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- Pedal Pal Stereo
pedal pal stereo / fx pedal integration module / 8 HP ⇣ Enhance your creative palette by seamlessly integrating your favorite guitar FX pedals into the realm of Eurorack modular. Take command over the amount and tone of the signal sent to your pedal and manipulate the expression pedal input using CV. To double the excitement, this module can handle stereo signals! 1/3 key features Stereo FX-Pedal Integration Expression Input CV Send CV Send and Return Level Controls Send Tone EQ Dry/Wet Control TRS Connections to FX Pedal Use it with Line or Modular Levels Boost Dry and/or Wet Signals with a max. Gain of +20 dB Phase Inversion Switch Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 8 HP depth: 30 mm power: 59 mA @ +12V / 43 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual Connect a stereo or mono signal to the IN sockets (a mono signal to IN L is normalized to IN R), and retrieve the output signal from the OUT jacks. Link your FX pedal's inputs to the SEND output using a TRS audio cable, and connect the FX pedal's output to the RTRN return socket with another TRS audio cable. Fine-tune the blend of dry and wet signals with the central DRY WET knob. The level gain of the dry and the wet signal can be adjusted independently via trimmers on the back of the module. Rotate SEND to the right to increase the audio level sent to the pedal's input. The attenuator beneath the SEND CV jack controls the maximum send signal level, so remember to turn it to the right to activate the SEND jack. Increase the RETURN knob to control the effect signal's level returning from the FX pedal. Be cautious as the send signal can potentially overload the FX pedal's input, so adjust the send amount with care. Both the SEND and RETURN controls provide precise control over the signals sent to and from the effects unit for clean or slightly overdriven signals. The ST Modular logo LEDs indicate whether a signal is being sent from or returned to the module. Turn the TONE knob to the right to emphasize high frequencies or to the left for low frequencies in the SEND signal. Keep it in the center position to have no further effect. Activate the PHASE button to align the audio return signal with the dry input signal if your effects pedal reverses its phase. You may need to make further adjustments to the send and return settings afterwards. The real fun begins when you modulate the amount of audio sent to the FX pedal. Simply introduce a CV signal into the SEND CV input and adjust its level with the attenuator. Furthermore, you can also control the pedal's EXPRESSION input using CV. Connect a TRS audio cable to the EXPR I/O, and the voltage provided by the pedal will be attenuated with the EXPR knob and send back to the pedal, allowing you to manually control the expression parameters. Alternatively, you can patch modular control voltage into the EXP CV input to control the expression parameters of your FX unit, with the EXPR knob acting as an attenuator. The LED indicates when voltage is being forwarded to the pedal. Please ensure you check your FX pedals' specifications before using PEDAL PAL STEREO. Verify whether the pedal supplies its expression voltage on the tip or ring of the EXPR TRS cable and the accepted voltage level (most commonly 3V or 5V). Adjust the corresponding jumpers on the back of the module accordingly. In the video example below, I'm using an EarthQuaker Devices Avalanche Run Delay and Reverb pedal, which provides 3V on the ring of the TRS expression cable. This pedal is particularly well-suited for PEDAL PAL STEREO, as it allows for quick selection of the expression voltage destination, such as reverb amount, delay time, and more. For convenient parameter adjustments, particularly during live performances, potentiometers are positioned on the lower side, ensuring easy access when the module is mounted in the bottom row of a tabletop case. If you are looking for a smaller and simpler mono version, please check out the predecessor PEDAL PAL ! PEDAL PAL STEREO QUICK START GUIDE: PEDAL_PAL_STEREO_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 667KB prev Up next
usb / usb frontpanel power supply / 3 HP ⇣ USB allows you to power any other USB powered device from your Eurorack PSU. If you are using an ST Modular WORKBENCH or MIXBENCH this is particularly handy. But also other external devices such as external CV Sequencers and Controllers, USB lamps or even mobile phones can be powered from this module. 1/3 key features USB Power 3x USB Type A Sockets On/Off Switch Third Socket Registered for Charging Mobile Devices No +5V Rail Needed Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 3 HP depth: 30 mm power: 8 mA @ +12V / 0 mA @ -12V (LED only, total consumption depending on powered devices) documentation videos description / manual USB has three USB Type A sockets and an on/off switch. You don´t need a +5V power rail on your PSU. „ USB “ internally converts +12V to +5V. The third socket is also registered for charging mobile devices. It supplies +2V on the D− and D+ lines of the USB socket showing the device that it may charge a maximum of 500mA (this is an Apple standard, though charging of other brands worked well, too). As USB directly draws current from your PSU, make sure you have enough „current headroom“ available. Don´t use this module to power devices that draw more than an absolute maximum of 800mA in total, it is recommended to keep it below 500mA. prev Up next
- HH
hh / analog hi-hat and noise generator / 4 HP ⇣ HH is a very simple, but handy little module that completes any modular drum rack. 1/3 key features Analog Hi-Hat and Noise Generator Internal Decay Envelope Internal VCA CV Control over VCA Offset CV Attenuator Adjustable Noise Colour: Brown, Pink, White Illuminated ST Modular Logo specs & downloads width: 8 HP depth: 28 mm power: 35 mA @ +12V / 25 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual HH is an analog Hi-Hat and Noise generator with an internal VCA and decay envelope. The Module can be triggered by a trigger signal at the TRIG Input. Using the DECAY potentiometer you can open and close the Hi-Hat. The ST Modular logo will flash according to the decay envelope. This may also be voltage controlled with any CV signal at the CV input. The voltage changes the internal VCA offset, but does not affect the decay envelope. The incoming voltage can be attenuated using the dedicated attenuator potentiometer. An LED indicates the current state of the voltage. Additionally you may also change the colour of the noise being generated with the COLOUR pot. Fully counter-clockwise the noise will equal Brown Noise with reduced high frequencies. At noon it will sound like Pink Noise, which is a bit louder at the low-frequency end of the spectrum, and softer at the high end. Almost fully clockwise it will be White Noise, broadly spread across the sound spectrum, sounding like a waterfall. Fully clockwise the noise will be boosted on all frequencies to have a more present noise spectrum. prev Up next
- Wave
wave / cv generator with four connected triangle lfos / 4 HP ⇣ This LFO, harnessing four interconnected LFOs, offers a powerful tool for dynamically altering CV destinations in rhythmic patterns. Its synchronized modulation brings intricate rhythmic control to your creative endeavors. 1/3 key features 4x LFO Out 4x LFO Rate Rate Switch Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection Illuminated Wave -Logo specs & downloads width: 4 HP depth: 28 mm power: 34 mA @ +12V / 25 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual The rate of each LFO may be adjusted with the dedicated potentiometers. Each LFO signal is supplied on the four outputs on the bottom side of the module. Depending on the potentiometer settings also slopes or square- wave s can be generated. Please refer to the demo video below. The fours LFOs are connected to each other creating an LFO-chain. If the first LFO reaches its highest value, the second LFO starts to rise. And when the first output reaches its lowest voltage, the second channel starts to decrease and so on. Each potentiometer controls the time it takes for the LFO to reach its maximum voltage, which also controls the time it takes to reach 0 volts for its inverted counterpart (1&3 and 2&4). Simultaneously the pots control the time the other two LFOs hold their maximum voltage level. Patching all LFOs into a VCO´s sound shaping functions you can create wave -like sounding effects that will repeat periodically. This module is very good for generating very slow cycles when the RATE switch is set to SLOW. Conversely, it can also generate fast cycles when the switch is set to FAST. The state of each LFO is being indicated by the illuminated letters W A V E on top of the module. Each letter will light up when its dedicated LFO outputs a voltage. prev Up next
- Clipping Cat
clipping cat / vactrol distortion with diode clipping & lpg / 4 HP ⇣ CLIPPING CAT will make your sounds meow! It's a Vactrol-based distortion that will easily cram a lot of filth and grit into your tone. From sine waves to kick drums, this cat won't miss a scratching post! 1/3 key features Vactrol Distortion Diode Clipping Soft & Hard Clipping „Diode Playground“ for Easy Replacement of Soft Clipping Diodes Vactrol LPG Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 4 HP depth: 30 mm power: 20 mA @ +12V / 20 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual Based on the passive and very simple WORKMATE CLIPPING CAT, this souped-up 3U module now features three main controls. GAIN determines the amount of distortion applied to your signal. LEVEL decreases the signal level that is fed into the circuit and the CAT/NO CAT switch activates or deactivates the additional diode clipping function. You can choose whether you want hard (CAT) or soft clipping (NO CAT). Depending on the diodes you solder in, the clipping behaviour and sound will change drastically. CLIPPING CAT will only blink and meow if you set the switch to "CAT" and have set a good amount of gain. The amount of gain can also be voltage controlled using the CV GAIN input socket. Each incoming CV signal can be attenuated with the corresponding potentiometer. The overall gain range can be adjusted using a trimmer on the back of the board. This CV functionality also allows CLIPPING CAT to be used as a low-pass gate with the smooth vactrol-based behaviour we all love. Another trimmer allows the circuit to be optimised for LPG or distortion purposes. To simplify the exchange of diodes for soft clipping mode, there is a "diode playground" on the back of the board where you can easily exchange through hole diodes . Feel free to experiment with different types of diodes and discover novel distortion sounds. Purr! prev Up next
- Stereo Compressor
stereo compressor / feedforward stereo compressor / 6 HP ⇣ STEREO COMPRESSOR is a classic analog feedforward compressor, which takes its sidechain split directly from the input signal. It is based on the THAT4305 Analog Engine® single-chip with integrated Blackmer® VCA. 1/3 key features Analog Compressor Stereo Signal Path THRESHOLD, RATIO and GAIN ON/OFF Switch for Signal Comparison Up to +20dB Make-Up Gain STEREO SUM Compatible Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 6 HP depth: 28 mm power: 35 mA @ +12V / 26 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual STEREO COMPRESSOR has two independent signal paths in order to process stereo signals. The left input is normalized to the right, if you want to compress mono signals instead. The module has three controls and a switch: THRESHOLD determins the level at which the compressor starts working. This can be set from -40dB to 20dB. RATIO sets how much the compressor turns down the volume when the threshold is reached (INF:1 to 1:1). GAIN regulates the amount of make-up gain (-20dB to +20dB) that is applied to the signal. Additionally there is an ON/OFF switch that makes it easy to compare the dry and compressed audio signal. Please note that if you turn THRESHOLD counter-clock wise to the left, you reduce the threshold from 20dB (fully cw) to -40dB (fully ccw). Hence the compressor starts working earlier. If you turn RATIO counter-clock wise to the left you increase the amount of compression from 1:1 (fully cw, no compression) to INF:1 (fully ccw, infinite compression). So turning the knobs down corresponds to compressing the signal. The pictures below show the knobs in a neutral position where no compression is applied. STEREO COMPRESSOR has a similar design as the STEREO SUM CHANNEL modules. If you want to add some compression to your mix STEREO COMPRESSOR is a perfect addition to your STEREO SUM Mixer. prev Up next
lfot / touch control lfo / 3 HP ⇣ Low Frequency Oscillator featuring an extensive frequency range and a tactile touch control capability. 1/3 key features LFO with 3 Waveforms Sine, Square and Pulse waves LFO FREQUENCY potentiometer LFO RANGE switch Adjustable Pulse width Two touch plates to play the LFO HOLD function PUSH function Wrong polarity protection Skiff friendly specs & downloads width: 3 HP depth: 28 mm power: 49 mA @ +12V / 47 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual The LFO provides three voltages in shape of Sine, Square and Pulse waves. It can be used as a control voltage, clock source or patched into the audio path for drum synthesis. The frequency and the frequency range can be controlled by turning the frequency knob and rate switch. Additionally the width of the pulse wave may be manually adjusted. An LED indicates the current speed of the LFO. On the bottom of the panel you will find two touch plates. Using these you can “play” the LFO and become a part of the circuit. By pressing your finger onto the HOLD plate you will be able to stop and reset the LFO cycle. It will start over again when the finger is released. The second touch plate PUSH is altering the frequency of the oscillator. Roll your finger from the top side of the plate to the bottom and the rate will be increasingly speeded up. Or directly press you finger an all plate parts and go crazy! After releasing your finger from the PUSH plate the frequency will smoothly recover to its original speed set by the frequency knob. prev Up next
- Singer
singer / feature-rich delay with extensive parameters / 8 HP ⇣ Probably SINGER is one of the best equipped DIY PT2399 Delays available. It is the consequence of years of development of other delay effects such as DELAY V2 and GRITZNER and now combines new and old functions in one module. Why another PT2399 Delay? Well, because the PT2399 is a very special kind of delay with its own and very unique character we all love and we want CV control over most parameters. In contrast to DELAY V2 and GRITZNER, SINGER was made to explore the boundaries of the PT2399 chip and is able to create all sorts of crazy delay, glitch and noise sounds. It is rather specialized on short delay times, but can create some really nice delay and feedback craziness. 1/4 key features Analog Delay CV Control over most Parameters Two Inputs Internal LFO WET Output Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 8 HP depth: 45 mm power: 95 mA @ +12V / 45 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual SINGER has two audio inputs IN A and IN B, whereas IN B includes a high pass filter that attenuates frequencies below 320Hz. Especially for effect sends it is helpful to only introduce a high pass filtered delay effect to the mix. You can switch between IN A and IN B by using the A/B switch (switch MAN / LFO set to MAN) or by introducing a CV gate signal to the A/B GATE input jack. When the CV gate signal is high, only IN B will be routed to the delay circuitry indicated by the IN B LED. It is also possible to switch between both inputs using the internal LFO (switch MAN / LFO set to LFO). This way you can create some really unique delay cascades using two different audio signals. The DELAY TIME can be changed with the large DLY TME knob. The range is set to be too large for the PT2399 chip to handle. Consequently turning the knob from 2 o´clock on clockwise will create crazy glitches and noise artifacts. Cleaner delay times can be achieved by settings from 7 to 12 o´clock. The delay time can be changed via CV at the TIME CV input jack. A dedicated DLY CV attenuator let´s you decrease the amount of CV that is being applied. Additionally an internal LFO can control delay time if nothing is patched into the TIME CV jack and the DLY CV knob is turned to the right. The LFO rate can be set with the LFO RATE potentiometer and the LFO cycle can be reset by a CV gate or trigger signal that is patched to the LFO RESET input jack. You may choose to use a triangle or square wave LFO with the help of the TRI/SQU switch. The LFO is normalized to delay rate and feedback via the dedicated attenuators if nothing is patched to the corresponding CV input jacks. The LFO rate LED only indicates LFO waves controlling delay rates after attenuation. The LFO is also normalized to the A/B input switch if the MAN / LFO switch is set to LFO. A DRY/WET potentiometer sets the amount of delay effect that is applied to the OUT jack. On top the level of the wet signal can be changed with the IN attenuator. Hence if the DRY/WET pot is fully clockwise and the IN attenuator is fully counter-clockwise, no signal is audible at the OUT jack. FEEDBACK may be changed with the help of the FEEDBACK knob and can also be controlled via CV at the FDBK CV jack and the dedicated FDBK CV attenuator. If nothing is patched to the FDBK CV jack you can also route the internal LFO to control the feedback amount if you turn the FDBK CV attenuator to the right. VCA CV provides the opportunity to control the level of amplification of the wet signal via control voltages such as an envelope or an LFO. The WET output supplies the pure delay signal at any time. SINGER QUICK START GUIDE: SINGER_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 741KB prev Up next
- Drum
drum / digital drum module / 3 HP ⇣ DRUM is an excerpt of the Mutable Instruments PEAKS module. It was reduced to the max and only focuses on the 808 and FM Drum algorithms. 1/3 key features Digital Drum Module Two Modes: 808 & FM Manual and CV Trigger HP friendly Flip Panel with Descriptions for each Mode Based on the MI Peaks Algorithms Wrong Polarity Protection specs & downloads width: 3 HP depth: 65 mm power: 60 mA @ +12V / 2 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual There are two modes to be selected via a push button on the PCB: 808 DrumThis is an emulation of the well-known 808 kick drum. You have manual control over the FREQUENCY, PITCH ENVELOPE, TRANSIENT and DECAY. FM DrumThis is a digital drum synth based on FM synthesis. By turning the knobs you can change the FREQUENCY, FM AMOUNT, DECAY and COLOR of the drum sound. DRUM has an internal EQ that allows you to adjust the amount of bass applied to the signal using a trimmer on the PCB. This module also has a flip panel with descriptions per mode on each side. Both modes share a manual TRIG button to execute the drum sound, a TRIGGER INPUT and a signal OUTPUT. Released under cc-by-sa-3.0 license: Pichenettes Mutable Instruments prev Up next
- Hans
hans / compact stereo diode-ladder filter and lfo / 6 HP ⇣ HANS is a compact 4-pole low-pass stereo diode-ladder filter with an internal LFO. Inspired by the famous diode ladder filters found in EMS and Roland TB-303 devices, this filter delivers a distinct and unique sonic character. The module also features an internal LFO for dynamic movement of the cutoff frequency. 1/2 key features Diode-Ladder Filter 4-Pole Low-Pass Design Stereo Inputs and Outputs Cutoff CV Control with Attenuator Internal Triangle LFO with Level Control LFO Output Only 6 HP wide Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 6 HP depth: 30 mm power: 35 mA @ +12V / 29 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual Designed for stereo signals, HANS comes equipped with stereo inputs (IN L and R) and stereo outputs (OUT L and R). However, if you want to use a mono signal, connect it to the IN L socket, which is internally normalised to the IN R input. Manual control of the filter cutoff frequency is achieved with the FREQ potentiometer. Additionally, the cutoff can be modulated using the internal LFO and/or external control voltage (CV). Adjust the LEVEL knob to introduce a triangle LFO to the cutoff frequency, cycling from +0V to a maximum of +10V. The RATE knob, indicated by an LED indicator, allows you to set the LFO's speed. It is designed for long cycles and enables very slow movements lasting more than 10 minutes, but does not achieve audio rates. To disengage LFO control, simply reduce the LEVEL knob. Simultaneously, external CV can be patched to the CV input, with the CV attenuator enabling external control of the filter's cutoff frequency. An LED indicates the current voltage level of the external CV. Improve the characteristics of the filter by using the RES potentiometer to apply positive feedback that emphasises higher frequencies. The signal may be distorted at very high resonance settings. Self-resonance is possible, but only at very high frequencies. For further external processing, the internal LFO's triangle waveform is accessible at the LFO output. This feature adds flexibility to your modular setup, enabling creative possibilities beyond the module's primary functions. HANS QUICK START GUIDE: HANS_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 485KB prev Up next
- Pedal Pal
pedal pal / efx pedal audio bridge & expression pedal module / 4 HP ⇣ Pedal Pal is your way to use guitar effect pedal s with the Eurorack Modular System. 1/3 key features Mono Send with Attenuation Stereo Return with Gain for each Channel Output Gain of max. +20 dB Expression Pedal Control (CV or Manually) Voltage limited to 3V or 5V adjustbale via Jumper Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 4 HP depth: 28 mm power: 25 mA @ +12V / 21 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual PEDAL PAL features a mono send with pedal attenuation and a stereo return with individual channel gain adjustment from the pedal. You can fine-tune attenuation and gain through trimmers located on the module's back. Furthermore, it doubles as a CV expression pedal using a TRS cable. You have the option to manually manipulate your effect pedal's parameters by plugging into its Expression In jack, akin to using an expression foot pedal. Alternatively, you can employ any CV source (like an LFO or Envelope) to automate effect adjustments. When external CV is applied, the potentiometer functions as an attenuator. The CV delivered to the pedal's expression in jack can be constrained to either 3V or 5V, adjustable via a jumper on the rear. It's important to note that CV control over effect parameters will only function if your pedal includes an expression pedal TRS input. To establish connectivity between the module and your stereo effect pedal, three 6.3/3.5 mm adapter cables and a 6.3 mm TRS cable will be required. prev Up next
- Karl
karl / multi-mode stereo filter / 8 HP ⇣ Karl is an analog multi-mode filter that is loosely based on the KORG MS-10 and MS-20 filters, but has been improved to handle two mono or one stereo audio source. The Resonance can still be varied independently per channel, which is very interesting when using two different audio sources at once. If you want to merge the two audio sources there is a Mix Out next to the two independent outputs per channel. 1/3 key features Analog Dual/Stereo-Filter 4 Filter Modes: LP, HP, Phaser and Overdrive Independent Resonance Control Mix two Mono Signals Mono to Stereo Converter CV Control over Cutoff Frequency CV Attenuator Expander Module Wrong Polarity Protection specs & downloads width: 8 HP depth: 28 mm power: 56 mA @ +12V / 45 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual Karl has four modes: Low Pass Mode: Classic Analog Low Pass Filter High Pass Mode: Classic Analog High Pass Filter Phaser Mode: A small band of frequencies is filtered next to the original signal being passed through Overdrive Mode: If Resonance is increased the filter will quickly jump to overdrive, which creates some nice Harmonics The Modes may be changed via jumpers on the back of the module. In any mode the Cutoff Frequency may be changed via CV. The CV signal can be attenuated with the CV potentiometer. There is also an expander module available. The „Karl Mode Selector“ gives you front panel control over the modes and an alternative audio input for the right channel that can be activated via switch. prev Up next