When those arrows point the way, the two "Combine" switches unite three channels from one side of the multiple with the other side in a flash. Just make sure the single channel switches on the receiving side are looking the other way across the panel. Catching on?

key features
2x4 passive Multiple
1x8 passive Multiple
2x In or Out jacks
8 switches to route signals
One multiple side can be assigned to the other at once
3U Eurorack module, 4 HP wide
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: No power consumption​
description / manual
SWITCHED is a 4HP passive 2x3 switched multiple module for Eurorack. Both sides can be combined to have a 1 to 7 multiple, each numeric channel may be muted or switched to the other multiple side.
The two "Combine" switches indicated by an arrow connect three channels of one multiple side to the other side at once, if the single channel switches of the receiving multiple side are pointing to the opposite edge of the panel.