USB allows you to power any other USB powered device from your Eurorack PSU. If you are using an ST Modular WORKBENCH or MIXBENCH this is particularly handy. But also other external devices such as external CV Sequencers and Controllers, USB lamps or even mobile phones can be powered from this module.

key features
USB Power
3x USB Type A Sockets
On/Off Switch
Third Socket Registered for Charging Mobile Devices
No +5V Rail Needed
Wrong polarity protection
specs & downloads
width: 3 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 8 mA @ +12V / 0 mA @ -12V (LED only, total consumption depending on powered devices)
description / manual
USB has three USB Type A sockets and an on/off switch.
You don´t need a +5V power rail on your PSU. „USB“ internally converts +12V to +5V.
The third socket is also registered for charging mobile devices. It supplies +2V on the D− and D+ lines of the USB socket showing the device that it may charge a maximum of 500mA (this is an Apple standard, though charging of other brands worked well, too).
As USB directly draws current from your PSU, make sure you have enough „current headroom“ available. Don´t use this module to power devices that draw more than an absolute maximum of 800mA in total, it is recommended to keep it below 500mA.