HAPHA is a valuable tool for enhancing the organic and enjoyable qualities of your patches. This module generates a synchronized random voltage, tied to an external clock signal, and offers the option to stabilize this voltage into a fixed sequence. It's particularly useful for controlling filters and other sound-shaping parameters in your modular system.

key features
Random Gate and CV
Clock Sync
Lock CV and Gate to a Sequence
External CV Input
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 25 mA @ +12V / 18 mA @ -12V
description / manual
The idea was to generate random sequences by turning a knob. When you turn the LCK knob, a voltage between roughly +9V and -9V is passed to a shift register with an R2R digital-to-analogue converter, which stores the voltages from the pot with each clock signal. Depending on how the control is turned (range and speed), different voltages are sampled, resulting in a different CV and gate sequence. The SER input allows the use of external voltages which are passed to the shift register (mixed with the voltages from the potentiometer). The switch enables or disables the external voltage from the SER input.
To use it, simply connect a clock signal to the CLK input. HAPHA will then produce a random GATE signal at the upper output socket and a random CV signal at the lower output socket. You can create and lock a new sequence of voltages and gates by adjusting the LCK knob, and an LED indicator will show when a voltage change occurs.
For additional control, if you move the SER switch to the right, you can patch an external voltage (audio or CV) into the serial input SER which will directly influence the random voltages at the outputs. With an external voltage patched, you can still change the sequence by turing the LCK pot.