Hey. I got a second hand delay v2 some time ago, so I'm not the one who originally built it. It worked fine for some time, but then delay started disappearing every now and then, leaving only the dry signal. A few days ago the delay disappeared again, so I decided to try to fix it, but didn't succeed yet. Here's what I've tried:
I've put the PT2399 into another module to check if it works and it works fine,
I've resoldered all the THT components, as some of them looked like they might have cold joints,
the C14 pads were in pretty bad shape (burned) so I've scratched off the solder mask on the trace that goes to PT's pin 1 and the ground plane and resoldered it to the surface ( I hope that's correct contacts for it?)
After all this I still have only dry signal, the level knob works, but time and fdbk don't have any effect. Any ideas how to make it work?
Hey Ole, C14 to PT pin 1 is correct. Have you checked and reflowed the PT´s IC holder solder joints? Have you also checked the circuit board connections? Cheers, Stefan