Trying to troubleshoot a Delay v1 that I just built. Passes signal with (and without power), but no echo/delay.
Reflowed everything and tried another PT2399 with no luck.
In tracing the audio signal path, I found that the tip on the input jack was continuous with the sleeve jack. This didn't seem right. I pulled the input jack, but the pcb solder points for the two also showed continuity.
I don't know if I'm completely missing something obvious about the jack routing or if I messed up the pcb while soldering or got a bad pcb. (And is it possible to order a replacement v1 control pcb?)
Thanks for any advice!
Figured it out--carelessly left a dry solder joint to ground on pin 1 of the Time pot. Cleaned it up & now everything seems to work. Thanks again!
Thanks! The two lower pins of Jumper JP1.1 are continuous w/ each other & ground (but now the original continuity issue seems to have disappeared). I will have to spend some more time with it (but I did order the newer pcbs from Calsynth). Any chance you could share a schematic of the circuit to help me trace it?
Modular Addict had a sale last month--they must have had a few of the older pcbs around, but now it looks like they are sold out. Thanks again.
Hey Barney,
I'm sorry to hear that your delay V1 isn't working. I'm surprised that V1 boards are still in circulation. Where did you buy this board?
It looks like there is a short between the input trace and ground (ground plate, which is also connected to the bottom pad you highlighted in your screenshot). This short can be anywhere along the input path, either on the control or on the main PCB. I don't think the socket is the cause.
Check the following parts again for shorts:
Level Pot
Jumper JP1 /JP1.1
Let me know if I you need further help. Best, Stefan