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feed v2 / voltage controlled aux send with eq / 4 HP

Feed V2 is an integrated VCA and EQ unit designed to function as a voltage-controlled aux send module. The latest iteration, V2, features enhancements in its Tone response and has undergone a reduction in horizontal pitch from 8HP to 4HP for increased space efficiency.

key features

  • Voltag Controlled Amplifier

  • Volume Control

  • CV Attenuator

  • Built in EQ

  • Original signal is routed to THRU out

  • Wrong polarity protection

  • Skiff friendly


specs & downloads

  • width: 4 HP

  • depth: 25 mm

  • power: 30 mA @ +12V / 12 mA @ -12V


description / manual

If you insert an audio source into the jacks IN it will be directly routed to the THRU jack where you may use you original signal for further processing.

The signal is also directly routed to the VCA. Here you can control the volume or amplitude of the audio either manually or via control voltage using the CV jack.

Additionally you may change the frequencies of the signal using the TONE potentiometer. Turning counterclockwise will add low and cut high frequencies und turning the knob clockwise will cut low and boost high frequencies.

This works well with drums that will be send to an delay, reverb or any other effect when control voltage is being send to the CV jack.

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